Skills N Thrills

Around age 5 is where lots of children thrive in competition and game situations. The Skills N Thrills program was designed to create exercises which can challenge a child's sport skill level. We ask your child to begin developing good practice habits; determination, communication, positive attitude towards others. Exercises are gradually progressed into game-like situations to aid the learning process. You can choose a single sport or multi-sport. Each program is typically a 10-week course.

Tip: At this program age point, 'self-starters' along with intrinsic motivation are positively coached.

Proventus will provide equipment for your classes. A water/s and appropriate sports clothing (shin guards and cleats outdoors) are required. It is optional if a parent wants to stay or collect at your program's completion.

Spring ‘24 (April 8 - June 10th weeks)

Skills N Thrills Soccer


April 9th - June 11th (x10 week session)

4.30 - 5.45pm @SummerHill Park, Madison


April 13th - June 15th (x10 week session)

9 - 10am @SummerHill Park, Madison


10.15 - 11.15am


Skills N Thrills MULTI-SPORT


April 13th - June 15th (x10 week session)

9 - 10am @SummerHill Park, Madison


10.15 - 11.15am