
The FUNdamentals offer a large variety of sports to be coached through our way of instruction. You can choose a single sport, or multisport program. The basic skills within each sport are introduced through FUN and creative exercises that promote participation and learning. Children love this environment, as a way to play sport whilst making new friendships. Each program is typically a 10-week course, each class is one hour.

Tip: At this program age point, we begin our 'self-starters' coaching method, this guided communication style helps children to actively begin activities and develop essential decision making and independence skills.

Proventus will provide equipment at your classes. A water and appropriate clothing are required. It is optional if a parent wants to stay or collect at your program's completion in the FUNdamentals program.

Outdoor locations 2024

Madison - SummerHill Park, 118 Ridgedale avenue, madison 07940

(Park entrance located up steep driveway, opposite Burnet road)

SPRING ‘24 (Apr 8 - June 10th weeks)

Outdoor locations SPRING ‘24

Madison - SummerHill Park, 118 Ridgedale avenue, madison 07940

(Park entrance located up steep driveway, opposite Burnet road)

FUNdamentals SOCCER


April 9 - June 11th (10 week session)

3.30-4.30pm @SummerHill Park in Madison


April 13 - June 15 (10 week session)

9-10am @SummerHill Park in Madison





April 8 - June 10th (10 week session)

1.30-2.30pm @SummerHill Park in Madison


April 10 - June 12th (10 week session)

1.30-2.30pm @SummerHill Park in Madison


April 12 - June 14th (10 week session)

1.30-2.30pm @SummerHill Park in Madison


April 13 - June 15th (10 week session)

9-10m @SummerHill Park in Madison

