Compete TO Complete

For the older age groups, Compete TO Complete programs offer an environment similar to being on a team. We coach each child to develop technical, tactical, physical and psychological understandings. This is a positive environment to learn and develop your skills and motivation. You can choose a single sport or multi-sport. Each program is typically a 10-week course.

Tip: Look for your child to develop intrinsic motivation and self-talk. Your coach will develop personal goal setting skills.

Proventus will provide equipment at your classes. A water/s and appropriate sports clothing (shin guards and cleats on outdoors) are required. It is optional if a parent wants to stay or collect at your program's completion.

SPRING 2024 ( April 8 - June 10th weeks)

Compete TO Complete Soccer


April 10 - June 12th (10 week session)

4.30-5.45pm @Summerhill Park, Madison


April 13th - June 15th (10 week session)

10.15-11.15am @Summerhill Park, Madison